Mnozí lidé disponují určitými vědomostmi, ale nevědí, jak je přeměnit na užitečné dovednosti. A právě dovednosti jsou často klíčem nejen k úspěchu, ale také k důkladnému pochopení daného tématu.Read More
Webinar Universe - платформа за обучение. вижте нашите мнения Много хора имат известни знания, но не могат да ги превърнат в полезни умения. Именно уменията често са ключът не само към успеха, но и към задълбоченото разбиране на дадена тема.Read More
“Time flies, like cars in V-Really” — this line has been on my mind for a long time. It’s not poetry that you’re taught at school but the poetry from the streets and it contains a lot of truth. When you look around, you see that the world is changing and constantly evolving. Almost everything that was impossible yesterday is within reach today. The thing...Read More
When reading investment blogs, we can find a lot of information about how an investor should behave, where to start when investing and how to invest safely. However, I must admit that few people give specific information about areas of investments. So it seems that many talk about how to invest money, but few actually advise where to invest it. In the following text, I...Read More
The Internet is a real wonder. I say this because I’m not hiding my affection for this tool. It gives us the ability to contact people from all over the world, makes it easier to organise our lives, gives us a chance to earn money and many, many other things. And all this without having to leave the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately, the...Read More